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BMD Breed Standards





Bernese Mountion Dogs are from Switzerland and named for the Canton of Bern.  Historically, Berners were used as general farm dogs.  Their large, sturdy frames and calm, confident temperments made them ideal for pulling carts to market, driving cattle, watching the farm, and being the farmers' companion.


General Appearance and Size


Bernese are striking, tri-colored, large dogs. They are intelligent, strong and agile enough to do the draft and droving work they were bred for. Measured at the withers, males should be 25 to  27-1/2 inches and females 23 to 26 inches.  Properly structured males should weigh 90 - 120 pounds, females 75 - 105 pounds. Overweight should be avoided.




The proper temperament of Bernese is confident, alert, and good natured, never sharp or shy.  With the training essential for ownership of any large working breed, Berners are generally gentle, easygoing, and tolerant with children and other animals.  As with any large dog, supervision is recommended with small children.  Bernese prefer to be close to their people and activity, whether inside or out.  If kept isolated, behavior problems such as barking or digging will likely develop.  They may be aloof with strangers.  Berners should not be shy or aggressive.  Temperment is inherited, but can be influenced, both positively and negatively, by environment,  experiences, and training.  If you experience temperament or behavior problems with your Berner, please seek professional advice.




As the puppy's owner, you play a critical role in providing a secure and stimulating environment to help the dog reach its full potential.  The best approach is to be patient, kind, understanding, and positive.  Read more about puppy development to ensure you are shaping a well-rounded dog.  All Bernese should be exposed to a wide variety of people, places, and other animals, especially in their first year of life.








A well-mannered dog is a pleasue and the owner's responsibility.  Basic training is a necessity for all dogs and especially for large breeds such as the Bernese.  A puppy kindergarten/socialization class between four and six months of age is recommended, followed by a basic obedience program before the dog reaches one.  Positive training methods are recommended for this breed.


Puppy Exercise


Puppies need regular supervised exercise in a safe, dog friendly outside area to maintain healthy muscle tone and condition.  Activities should be based on the puppy's physical condition and individual exercise capabilities.  Exercise should never be forced (like jogging or extended rough playing).  Avoid unsupervised exercise and play with older or larger dogs which could easily injure a puppy.


Bernese and Diet


There are many diet options.  First ask your pup's breeder.  Additional sources to help you decide what is best for you and your pup are other Berner owners, either local or via internet discussion lists.  


A low to moderate-protein diet will keep a growing Berner's growth slow and steady.  Rapid growth is not desirable as it places greater strain on immature muscles and tendons that must support a large boned pup.  Adult Berners are usually fed twice a day to reduce the chance of bloat.  Avoid hard exercise immediately before or after meals.




Bernese are farm dogs by heritage and need exercise to stay mentally and physically fit.  Small fenced yards should be viewed as a place of convenience and safety but not as a place for adequate exercise for this moderately active breed. Plan a minimum of 30 minutes of moderately active exercise daily.




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